Executive Coaching
Challenge Executives to be relevant, innovative, & effective!
Executives face the daunting challenge of establishing a vision, setting clear and obtainable goals, building and establishing relationships and networks, and maintaining the bottom line.
What brought you to this level of success will not keep you in the seat you are now enjoying.
How are you staying current and how are you staying motivated, how do you ensure you don't develop blind spots?
The executive team at The Beamish Group will work with you and your executive staff to engage, develop, and innovate all while keeping your eye on the ball.
What is coaching?
Coaching is one on one professional development.
It is typically a defined number of meetings with the coach.
The coach works with their coachee to help them identify their challenges and develop strategies for success.
All coaching engagements include a number of assessments including 360 degree feedback, behaviors, motivators, emotional intelligence, and acumen.
Assessments provide a quantitative perspective on strengths and challenge points.
What coaching isn't
Coaching is not psychotherapy.
Coaching is not telling you how to run your business or organization.
Coaching is not intended to be a lifelong endeavor, it is intended for a specific number of engagements to help you increase your abilities, your effectiveness, or improve in an area that you feel is important.
Developmental Coaching
When high potentials are identified in an organization, one of the most effective methods of preparing them for their upcoming responsibilities is to have them work with a coach.
A developmental coach works with the candidate’s strengths and challenges to help them build the necessary traits that will help them become more successful.
While surprising to many, typically the target skills are interpersonal in nature and what are commonly referred to as soft skills. The ability to develop interest in others, build a coalition, influence a group, create positive energy resulting in positive outcomes.
Advancement Coaching
Similar to developmental coaching, employees who desire to move into leadership roles who have not had opportunities to be mentored benefit greatly from advancement coaching.
Advancement coaching provides opportunities for candidates who have the technical skills to develop the leadership mindset and hone their soft skills making them a valuable asset to their current organization as well as outside interests.